WIN, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has today published Part 5 of the 2018 WIN World Survey (WWS) exploring the views and beliefs of 31,890 people from 41 countries across the globe. This survey reveals that the 40th birthday is when most people stop feeling young. However, it is not until the 60th birthday that most people start feeling old.


Feeling young

  • The 40th birthday is the median point for people around the world to stop feeling young.
  • However, young people feel that they will stay young. People under 18 believe that they will feel young until they are 45. People 18 to 24 years believe that they will feel young until they are 31. Older age groups believe that they feel as young as their age.
  • There is no difference between females and males on their beliefs about feeling young.
  • However, there are large differences of opinion around the world on when people will stop feeling young. Countries such as Paraguay and Italy have older age points (both 60 years) whereas countries like the Ghana and Philippines have much lower age points (respectively 33 and 29).

Feeling old

  • The Beatles were insightful in their song “Will you still love me when I’m 64?” The 60th birthday is the median point for people around the world to start feeling old. (This song was written by Paul McCartney when he was about 15 or 16 years old).
  • People believe that they will start feeling old at a much later age than when they stop feeling young.
  • People over 65 years believe that they will start feeling old when they will be even older.
  • There is some consistency around the world on when people believe that they will start feeling old. Japan (47), Malaysia (46) and China (44) have low age points whilst Italy (70) and Finland (70) have the oldest.


Whilst the search for “Eternal youth” goes on around the world, people believe that they will feel young up to their 40th birthday but they won’t feel old until their 60th  birthday.

Read more about the Generations survey here: WWS_2018_Generations_PR

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